Monday, June 23
Planning for the new arrival
If you are planning a baby rather than just having one arrive, a happy accident you might say, you have a chance to look at all aspects of your lives and to change the things that will not fit in with your new life as a parent. This may include finical planning, you will have a responsibility to make sure you have things like life insurance are in place to provide if something happened to you, you may loose your partners or your wages for a while so you will need to check the budget to see the best way forward. It may involve moving home as the home that you are in as you may not be affordable it or it may not be suitable for a child. It gives you a chance to work out what the roles are going to be, who is going to be responsible for the family income, is it you or your partner or will it be shared. Making these decisions may involve a change in jobs for yourself or your partner, but addressing these issues now it will allow you time to settle down before the baby arrives. There is no avoiding it bringing a child in to the world is expensive but there are many ways to save yourselves money and still have exactly what you need it just takes a bit of time in planning and research to get the best deals.