Taking these actions will help to ensure that you are a health and active Dad. Also think about trying green tea, its a good alternative to caffeine but if you can't face it there are many other herbal teas try them, you will find one you like. It may be a good idea to start taking a good multivitamin and vitamin C, check with your G.P that any medication that you are on does not interfere with fertility and tell him of your intention to get healthy just to make sure there are no problems. There are good reasons to take multivits and vitamin C if you want to know read on if not go on to the next stage.
It is felt that :
Vitamin C, protects sperm from oxidative damage. It is also seen to improve sperm in smokers
Zinc. raises the testosterone levels
Coenzyme Q10, improves sperm count and mobility
Vitamin E, may improve fertility
Vitamin B12, is needed to maintain fertility